Research Notes and Blog Posts


Heterogeneity and Hierarchical Models: Understanding Pooled, Unpooled, and Hierarchical Approaches

4 minute read


Hierarchical models are powerful tools in statistical modeling and machine learning, enabling us to represent data with complex dependency structures. These models are particularly useful in contexts where data is naturally grouped or exhibits multi-level variability. A critical aspect of hierarchical models lies in their hyperparameters, which control the relationships between different levels of the model.


Matrix Derivative of Frobenius norm involving Hadamard Product

less than 1 minute read


Problem: Solve $\frac{\partial\left|\boldsymbol{A}\circ (\boldsymbol{Y}-\boldsymbol{W}^\top\boldsymbol{X})\right|_ {F}^{2}}{\partial\boldsymbol{W}}$ and $\frac{\partial\left|\boldsymbol{A}\circ ( \boldsymbol{Y}-\boldsymbol{W}^\top\boldsymbol{X})\right|_{F}^{2}}{\partial\boldsymbol{X}}$, where $\circ$ denotes the Hadamard product, and all variables are matrices.