This list is not frequently updated. Please see my Google Scholar for recent updates. (*Corresponding Author, =Equal Contributions.)
- Wenshuo Wang, Letian Wang, Chengyuan Zhang, Changliu Liu, and Lijun Sun (2022). Social interactions for autonomous driving: A review and perspectives. Foundations and Trends® in Robotics, 10(3-4), 198-376. [ebook] [arXiv] [project website]
- 陈新宇,金杰灵,廖琼华,张程远,陈晓旭. LaTeX论文写作教程 (Academic Writing with LaTeX). 清华大学出版社,2023. [ebook] [清华大学出版社京东自营官方旗舰店]
Journal publications
- Xinyu Chen, Chengyuan Zhang, Xi-Le Zhao, Nicolas Saunier*, and Lijun Sun (2025). Forecasting sparse movement speed of urban road networks with nonstationary temporal matrix factorization. Transportation Science (Accepted for publication). [preprint] [arXiv] [code] [blog I] [blog II] [slides]
- Chengyuan Zhang, Wenshuo Wang, and Lijun Sun* (2024). Calibrating Car-Following Models via Bayesian Dynamic Regression. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies. (ISTTT25 Special Issue) [TR PartC] [arXiv] [code] [presentation] [slides]
- Chengyuan Zhang and Lijun Sun* (2023). Bayesian Calibration of the Intelligent Driver Model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. [IEEE TITS] [arXiv] [code] [presentation] [poster]
- Xiaoxu Chen, Chengyuan Zhang, Zhanhong Cheng, Yuang Hou, and Lijun Sun* (2023). A Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model for Probabilistic Modeling of Car-Following Behaviors. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. [IEEE TITS]
- Xinyu Chen (=), Chengyuan Zhang (=), Xiaoxu Chen, Nicolas Saunier, and Lijun Sun* (2023). Discovering dynamic patterns from spatiotemporal data with time-varying low-rank autoregression. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. [IEEE TKDE] [arXiv] [data & code] [blog]
- Chengyuan Zhang, Jiacheng Zhu, Wenshuo Wang*, and Junqiang Xi (2021). Spatiotemporal learning of multivehicle interaction patterns in lane-change scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. [IEEE TITS] [arXiv] [code] [demo] [project website]
- Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaomin Zhang, Hongyun Ye, Ming Wei, and Xianxiong Ning* (2019). An efficient parking solution: a cam-linkage double-parallelogram mechanism based 1-degrees of freedom stack parking system. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(4) . [ASME JMR] [demo]
- Chengyuan Zhang and Jian Xiao* (2018). Chaotic behavior and feedback control of magnetorheological suspension system with fractional-order derivative. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 13(2) . [ASME JCND]
Conference publications
- Chengyuan Zhang (=), Kehua Chen (=), Meixin Zhu*, Hai Yang, and Lijun Sun (2024, May). Learning Car-Following Behaviors Using Bayesian Matrix Normal Mixture Regression. In 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). IEEE. [IEEE IV24’] [arXiv]
- Chengyuan Zhang, Rui Chen, Jiacheng Zhu, Wenshuo Wang, Changliu Liu, and Lijun Sun* (2023, September). Interactive Car-Following: Matters but NOT Always. In 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 5120-5125). IEEE. [IEEE ITSC23’] [arXiv]
- Wenshuo Wang, Chengyuan Zhang, Pin Wang, and Ching-Yao Chan* (2020, October). Learning Representations for Multi-Vehicle Spatiotemporal Interactions with Semi-Stochastic Potential Fields. In 2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) (pp. 1935-1940). IEEE. [IEEE IV20’]
- Chengyuan Zhang, Jiacheng Zhu, Wenshuo Wang, and Ding Zhao* (2019, October). A general framework of learning multi-vehicle interaction patterns from video. In 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) (pp. 4323-4328). IEEE. [IEEE ITSC19’][arXiv][project website]
- Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaomin Zhang, Hongyun Ye, Jinming Shi, Manzhi Wang, and Xianxiong Ning. Cam-connecting rod type mechanical three-dimensional parking device. CN108222589B, China, 2018